Il crollo della diga (405-408) - Ep. 24 (3)
Der Dammbruch (405-408) - Ep. 24 (3)
El colapso de la presa (405-408) - Ep. 24 (3)
De instorting van de dam (405-408) - Ep. 24 (3)
O Colapso da Barragem (405-408) - Ep. 24 (3)
The collapse of the dam (405-408) - Ep. 24 (3)
Assicuratosi il supporto dei suoi Stilicone si recò a Bologna e da lì fece inviare una missiva ad Alaric, incitandolo a venire in Italia: i suoi servigi sono comunque richiesti, ma non in oriente.
Nadat hij zich verzekerd had van de steun van zijn volk, reisde Stilicho naar Bologna en stuurde van daaruit een brief naar Alaric, waarin hij hem aanspoorde naar Italië te komen: zijn diensten waren nog steeds nodig, maar niet in het oosten.
Having secured the support of his Stilicho, he went to Bologna and from there sent a letter to Alaric, urging him to come to Italy: his services are still needed, but not in the east.
No, i suoi avrebbero dovuto recarsi in Gallia a combattere per conto dell'impero e, incidentalmente, Stilicone offriva il pagamento delle 4000 libbre d'oro richieste.
No|the|his|they would have|to have|to go|to|Gaul|to|to fight|for|account|of the empire|and|incidentally|Stilicho|he offered|the|payment|of the|pounds|of gold|requested
No, his family should have gone to Gaul to fight on behalf of the empire and, incidentally, Stilicho was offering the payment of the 4000 pounds of gold requested.
Sarebbe facile criticare Stilicone per questa decisione: io penso che il generalissimo stesse solamente provando con tutte le sue forze a tenere in piedi l'Impero: non poteva sguarnire l'Italia e correre il rischio che fosse invasa da un altro Radogast.
it would be|easy|to criticize|Stilicho|for|this|decision|I|I think|that|the|generalissimo|he was|only|trying|with|all|the|his|forces|to|to keep|in|standing|the Empire|not|he could|to leave unprotected|Italy|and|to run|the|risk|that|it was|invaded|by|a|another|Radogast
It would be easy to criticize Stilicho for this decision: I think that the generalissimo was simply trying with all his might to keep the Empire afloat: he could not leave Italy unguarded and risk it being invaded by another Radogast.
Per sconfiggere gli invasori delle Gallie aveva bisogno di tutte le forze possibili, Alaric era una di queste.
to|to defeat|the|invaders|of the|Gauls|he had|need|of|all|the|forces|possible|Alaric|he was|a|of|these
To defeat the invaders of Gaul, he needed all possible forces, Alaric was one of them.
Oltre al pagamento degli arretrati e in cambio dell'aiuto in Gallia Alaric chiese però dalle autorità romane sempre le stesse cose: essere riconosciuto come capo unico dei Goti, l'inquadramento dei suoi nell'esercito regolare e una area sicura dove stanziarsi.
besides|the|payment|of the|back payments|and|in|exchange|of the help|in|Gaul|Alaric|he asked|however|from the|authorities|Roman|always|the|same|things|to be|recognized|as|chief|unique|of the|Goths|the framing|of the|his|in the army|regular|and|a|area|safe|where|to settle
Naast de betaling van achterstallige betalingen en in ruil voor hulp in Gallië eiste Alaric echter dezelfde dingen van de Romeinse autoriteiten: erkenning als de enige leider van de Goten, opname van zijn volk in het reguliere leger en een veilig gebied om zich te vestigen.
In addition to the payment of arrears and in exchange for help in Gaul, Alaric also asked the Roman authorities for the same things: to be recognized as the sole leader of the Goths, the integration of his men into the regular army, and a safe area to settle.
I coltelli vengono affilati
the|knives|they are|sharpened
The knives are being sharpened
Ravenna nel quinto secolo dopo cristo
Ravenna|in the|fifth|century|after|Christ
Ravenna in de vijfde eeuw na Christus
Ravenna in the fifth century AD
Mentre proseguivano la negoziazione con Alaric una notizia-bomba fu sganciata sull'Italia: inaspettatamente il 1° Maggio del 408 era morto a Costantinopoli sua nullità Arcadio, a soli 31 anni, lasciando come erede il figlioletto Teodosio II, sotto la tutela dell'Antemio che ho già nominato e che fu a lungo il vero padrone a Costantinopoli.
while|they were proceeding|the|negotiation|with|Alaric|a|||it was|dropped|on Italy|unexpectedly|the|May|of|he was|dead|at|Constantinople|his|nullity|Arcadius|at|only|years|leaving|as|heir|the|little son|Theodosius|II|under|the|guardianship|of Anthemius|that|I have|already|named|and|that|he was|for|long|the|true|master|in|Constantinople
Terwijl ze verder onderhandelden met Alaric viel er een bom op Italië: onverwacht was op 1 mei 408 zijn nietige Arcadius gestorven in Constantinopel, slechts 31 jaar oud, zijn jonge zoon Theodosius II als erfgenaam achterlatend, onder de voogdij van Antemius die ik al heb genoemd en die lange tijd de echte meester was in Constantinopel.
While they were continuing the negotiations with Alaric, a bombshell news was dropped on Italy: unexpectedly, on May 1st, 408, his nullity Arcadius died in Constantinople at the age of only 31, leaving as heir his little son Theodosius II, under the guardianship of Anthemius, whom I have already mentioned and who was for a long time the true master in Constantinople.
Onorio ne fu devastato e pensò bene di recarsi a Costantinopoli per reclamare la sua eredità, o forse anche per togliersi di mezzo dal disastro che si andava accumulando in occidente.
Honorius|of it|he was|devastated|and|he thought|well|to|to go|to|Constantinople|to|to claim|the|his|inheritance|or|perhaps|also|to|to remove oneself|from|middle|from the|disaster|that|himself|it was going|accumulating|in|west
Honorius was devastated and thought it best to go to Constantinople to claim his inheritance, or perhaps also to get away from the disaster that was accumulating in the west.
Stilicone lo dissuase, dicendo che sarebbe andato invece lui a Costantinopoli a difendere gli interessi di Onorio.
Stilicho|him|he dissuaded|saying|that|he would|gone|instead|he|to|Constantinople|to|to defend|the|interests|of|Honorius
Stilicho dissuaded him, saying that he would instead go to Constantinople to defend Honorius's interests.
Ma la situazione non lo permetteva: la Gallia brulicava di invasori Vandali, Alani e Svevi, un usurpatore aveva sotto il suo controllo la Britannia e la Gallia Romana, Alaric era minacciosamente accampato giusto al di là delle alpi.
but|the|situation|not|him|it allowed|the|Gaul|it was teeming|with|invaders|Vandals|Alans|and|Suebi|a|usurper|he had|under|the|his|control|the|Britain|and|the|Gaul|Roman|Alaric|he was|threateningly|encamped|just|to the|of|there|of the|Alps
Maar de situatie liet het niet toe: Gallië krioelde van de Vandalen, Alaniërs en Zwaben, een usurpator had Britannia en Romeins Gallië onder zijn controle, Alaric kampeerde dreigend net over de Alpen.
But the situation did not allow it: Gaul was teeming with invading Vandals, Alans, and Suebi, a usurper had control over Britain and Roman Gaul, and Alaric was menacingly camped just across the Alps.
Fino a questa crisi Stilicone aveva sempre goduto della fiducia di Onorio e, ancor più importante, dell'aristocrazia terriera italiana.
until|to|this|crisis|Stilicho|he had|always|enjoyed|of the|trust|of|Honorius|and|even|more|important|of the aristocracy|landowning|Italian
Until this crisis, Stilicho had always enjoyed the trust of Honorius and, even more importantly, of the Italian land aristocracy.
Gli ultimi disastri avevano incrinato il rapporto di fiducia di Stilicone con entrambi.
the|last|disasters|they had|damaged|the|relationship|of|trust|of|Stilicho|with|both
The recent disasters had strained Stilicho's trust with both.
In questa fessura si inserì uno dei capi della burocrazia imperiale, un certo Olimpio, che iniziò a lavorare alacremente alla caduta del Generalissimo.
in|this|fissure|himself|he inserted|one|of the|leaders|of the|bureaucracy|imperial|a|certain|Olympius|who|he began|to|to work|diligently|to the|fall|of the|Generalissimo
In deze scheur stapte een van de hoofden van de keizerlijke bureaucratie, een zekere Olympius, die hard begon te werken aan de ondergang van de Generalissimo.
In this fissure, one of the leaders of the imperial bureaucracy, a certain Olympius, began to work diligently towards the downfall of the Generalissimo.
Olimpio arrivò a sussurrare all'orecchio dell'imperatore che Stilicone voleva mettere sul trono di Costantinopoli suo figlio Eucherio.
Olympius|he arrived|to|to whisper|to the ear|of the emperor|that|Stilicho|he wanted|to put|on the|throne|of|Constantinople|his|son|Eucherius
Olimpio managed to whisper in the emperor's ear that Stilicho wanted to place his son Eucherius on the throne of Constantinople.
Ma a causare la caduta del generalissimo fu una rivolta militare, non le azioni del sempre imbelle Onorio.
but|to|to cause|the|fall|of the|generalissimo|he was|a|revolt|military|not|the|actions|of the|always|weak|Honorius
But the cause of the generalissimo's downfall was a military revolt, not the actions of the always ineffectual Honorius.
Questi si era recato a Pavia, oramai de facto capitale militare del nord Italia, per passare in rassegna le truppe prima che queste si recassero attraverso le alpi per combattere contro Costantino III.
he|himself|he was|gone|to|Pavia|now|of|fact|capital|military|of the|north|Italy|to|to pass|in|review|the|troops|before|that|these|themselves|they went|through|the|Alps|to|to fight|against|Constantine|III
Deze laatste was naar Pavia gereisd, nu de de facto militaire hoofdstad van Noord-Italië, om de troepen te beoordelen voordat ze de Alpen overstaken om tegen Constantijn III te vechten.
He had gone to Pavia, now de facto military capital of northern Italy, to review the troops before they crossed the Alps to fight against Constantine III.
il cortigiano intrigante insinuò di fronte alle truppe che Stilicone fosse la causa di tutte le calamità che stavano flagellando l'Impero.
the|courtier|intriguing|he insinuated|to|front|to the|troops|that|Stilicho|he was|the|cause|of|all|the|calamities|that|they were|scourging|the Empire
The scheming courtier insinuated in front of the troops that Stilicho was the cause of all the calamities that were afflicting the Empire.
Lo accusò di stare brigando con Alaric, di aver sobillato i Vandali, gli Alani e gli Svevi a invadere la Gallia e di avere intenzione di recarsi a Costantinopoli per detronizzare Teodosio; inoltre, insinuò che ben presto avrebbe sfruttato l'indebolimento dell'Impero per detronizzare Onorio stesso.
him|he accused|of|to be|scheming|with|Alaric|of|to have|incited|the|Vandals|the|Alans|and|the|Suebi|to|to invade|the|Gaul|and|of|to have|intention|to|to go|to|Constantinople|to|to dethrone|Theodosius|furthermore|he insinuated|that|well|soon|he would|exploited|the weakening|of the Empire|to|to dethrone|Honorius|himself
He accused him of conspiring with Alaric, of inciting the Vandals, the Alans, and the Suebi to invade Gaul, and of intending to go to Constantinople to dethrone Theodosius; moreover, he insinuated that soon he would exploit the weakening of the Empire to dethrone Honorius himself.
L'esercito di Pavia, sobillato da Olimpio, si rivoltò, giustiziando sommariamente i principali sostenitori di Stilicone, vale a dire il grosso del corpo degli ufficiali., Convinto da Olimpio della fondatezza delle accuse di tradimento che pendevano su Stilicone, Onorio ordinò alle truppe di Ravenna di catturare il generalissimo.
the army|of|Pavia|incited|by|Olympius|themselves|they revolted|executing|summarily|the|main|supporters|of|Stilicho|it is worth|to|to say|the|bulk|of the|body|of the|officers|convinced|by|Olympius|of the|validity|of the|accusations|of|treason|that|they were hanging|on|Stilicho|Honorius|he ordered|to the|troops|to|Ravenna|to|to capture|the|generalissimo
Het leger van Pavia, opgehitst door Olympius, kwam in opstand en executeerde op korte termijn de belangrijkste aanhangers van Stilicho, d.w.z. het grootste deel van het officierskorps. Overtuigd door Olympius van de rechtmatigheid van de aanklacht van verraad die Stilicho boven het hoofd hing, gaf Honorius de troepen in Ravenna opdracht de generalissimo gevangen te nemen.
The army of Pavia, incited by Olympius, revolted, summarily executing the main supporters of Stilicho, namely the bulk of the body of officers. Convinced by Olympius of the validity of the treason charges hanging over Stilicho, Honorius ordered the troops of Ravenna to capture the generalissimo.
Era il 13 agosto del 408.
it was|the|August|of the
It was August 13, 408.
Nella morte di un uomo, il suo valore
in the|death|of|a|man|the|his|value
In the death of a man, his worth.
Sarcofago cosiddetto di Stilicone, Sant'Ambrogio (Milano)
Zogenaamde Sarcofaag van Stilicho, Sant'Ambrogio (Milaan)
The so-called sarcophagus of Stilicho, Sant'Ambrogio (Milan)
Stilicone in tutto questo era a Ravenna, a capo dei 12.000 soldati gotici di Radogast che erano diventati una sorta di milizia personale, a lui fedelissima.
||||||||||||||||||||||||very loyal
Stilicho was in dit alles in Ravenna, aan het hoofd van de 12.000 Gothische soldaten van Radogast die een soort persoonlijke militie waren geworden, loyaal aan hem.
Stilicho was in Ravenna at this time, at the head of the 12,000 Gothic soldiers of Radogast who had become a sort of personal militia, very loyal to him.
Stilicone discusse il da farsi con i suoi generali: era opinione diffusa che si sarebbe dovuto muovere guerra ai rivoltosi di Pavia se questi avessero anche solo torto un capello all'imperatore.
Stilicho besprak met zijn generaals wat hij moest doen: algemeen werd aangenomen dat er oorlog moest worden gevoerd tegen de relschoppers van Pavia als ze ook maar een haar op het hoofd van de keizer zouden krenken.
Stilicho discussed what to do with his generals: it was a common opinion that he should wage war against the rebels of Pavia if they even harmed a hair on the emperor.
Stilicone ad un certo punto comprese però che l'imperatore era sano e salvo e si era invece unito a Olimpio contro di lui.
Stilicho|at|a|certain|point|he understood|however|that|the emperor|he was|healthy|and|safe|and|himself|he was|instead|united|to|Olympius|against|of|him
Stilicho realiseerde zich echter op een gegeven moment dat de keizer veilig en wel was en zich in plaats daarvan tegen Olympius had gekeerd.
At a certain point, Stilicone understood that the emperor was safe and sound and had instead joined forces with Olympius against him.
A questo punto capì che era tutto finito: aveva perso il controllo della situazione, prima della Gallia e ora, fatalmente, dell'Italia.
to|this|point|he understood|that|it was|everything|finished|he had|lost|the|control|of the|situation|before|of the|Gaul|and|now|fatally|of Italy
At this point, he realized that it was all over: he had lost control of the situation, first in Gaul and now, inevitably, in Italy.
I suoi lo incitarono a resistere e combattere: c'erano ancora molti che erano fedeli a lui, magari Alaric sarebbe venuto in soccorso del suo miglior nemico di lunga data.
his|his people|him|they urged|to|to resist|and|to fight|there were|still|many|that|they were|faithful|to|him|perhaps|Alaric|he would|come|in|help|of the|his|best|enemy|of|long|standing
Zijn volk spoorde hem aan om stand te houden en te vechten: er waren er nog steeds veel die hem trouw waren, misschien zou Alaric zijn oude beste vijand te hulp schieten.
His men urged him to resist and fight: there were still many who were loyal to him, perhaps Alaric would come to the aid of his long-time best enemy.
Ma Stilicone era, prima di ogni altra cosa, un soldato di Roma: l'impero era in crisi e aveva bisogno di ricomporsi rapidamente: scrutò nel suo cuore e comprese di essere divenuto un ostacolo piuttosto che una soluzione alla crisi dell'impero.
but|Stilicho|he was|first|of|every|other|thing|a|soldier|of|Rome|the empire|it was|in|crisis|and|he had|need|to|to recompose|quickly|he scrutinized|in the|his|heart|and|he understood|to|to be|become|an|obstacle|rather|than|a|solution|to the|crisis|of the empire
But Stilicho was, above all, a soldier of Rome: the empire was in crisis and needed to quickly recompose itself: he looked into his heart and understood that he had become an obstacle rather than a solution to the empire's crisis.
All'arrivo delle truppe di Onorio si rifugiò in una chiesa a Ravenna ma quando arrivarono i messaggeri dell'imperatore richiedendogli di uscire varcò spontaneamente la soglia della chiesa e andò incontro con calma alla morte per decapitazione, impedendo perfino al suo ancora numeroso seguito di difenderlo: era il 22 agosto del 408.
upon arrival|of the|troops|of|Honorius|he|he took refuge|in|a|church|in|Ravenna|but|when|they arrived|the|messengers|of the emperor|requesting him|to|to go out|he crossed|spontaneously|the|threshold|of the|church|and|he went|towards|with|calmness|to the|death|by|decapitation|preventing|even|to the|his|still|numerous|following|to|to defend him|it was|the|August|of the
Toen de troepen van Honorius arriveerden, zocht hij zijn toevlucht in een kerk in Ravenna, maar toen de boodschappers van de keizer arriveerden met het verzoek om te vertrekken, stapte hij spontaan over de drempel van de kerk en ging rustig zijn dood tegemoet door onthoofding, waarbij hij zelfs voorkwam dat zijn nog steeds grote gevolg hem verdedigde: het was 22 augustus 408.
Upon the arrival of Honorius's troops, he took refuge in a church in Ravenna, but when the emperor's messengers arrived requesting him to come out, he voluntarily crossed the threshold of the church and calmly went to his death by decapitation, even preventing his still numerous followers from defending him: it was August 22, 408.
Il disastro per Stilicone si estese ai suoi sostenitori e parenti che finirono per essere trascinati nella sua rovina.
the|disaster|for|Stilicho|himself|it extended|to the|his|supporters|and|relatives|who|they ended|to|to be|dragged|into|his|ruin
The disaster for Stilicho extended to his supporters and relatives who ended up being dragged into his ruin.
La figlia di Stilicone che aveva sposato l'Imperatore Onorio) fu ripudiata dal marito, che annullò il matrimonio; la moglie del generale, Serena), fu giustiziata con l'accusa di stare brigando con Alaric, mentre il figlio Eucherio) fu giustiziato da sicari inviati da Onorio e Olimpio); tutti i beni di Stilicone furono confiscati e incamerati dallo stato, mentre tutti quelli che avevano avuto un qualche legame con il generalissimo subirono torture atroci.
the|daughter|of|Stilicho|that|he/she had|married|the Emperor|Honorius|he/she was|repudiated|by the|husband|that|he annulled|the|marriage|the|wife|of the|general|Serena|she was|executed|with|the accusation|of|to be|scheming|with|Alaric|while|the|son|Eucherius|he was|executed|by|assassins|sent|by|Honorius|and|Olympius|all|the|goods|of|Stilicho|they were|confiscated|and|seized|by the|state|while|all|those|who|they had|had|a|some|connection|with|the|generalissimo|they suffered|torture|atrocious
Stilicho's dochter die getrouwd was met keizer Honorius) werd verstoten door haar man, die het huwelijk nietig verklaarde; de vrouw van de generaal, Serena), werd geëxecuteerd op beschuldiging van struikroverij met Alaric, terwijl haar zoon Eucherius) werd geëxecuteerd door moordenaars gestuurd door Honorius en Olympius); al Stilicho's bezittingen werden geconfisqueerd en verbeurd verklaard door de staat, terwijl iedereen die een band had met de generalissimo gruwelijke martelingen onderging.
The daughter of Stilicho who had married Emperor Honorius) was repudiated by her husband, who annulled the marriage; the wife of the general, Serena), was executed on the charge of conspiring with Alaric, while the son Eucherius) was executed by assassins sent by Honorius and Olympius); all of Stilicho's assets were confiscated and seized by the state, while all those who had any connection with the generalissimo suffered atrocious tortures.
Il generale ricevette anche una damnatio memoriae da parte di molti storici dei decenni seguenti anche se va detto che la nostra fonte contemporanea principale, Olimpiodoro, lo aveva chiaramente in simpatia.
the|general|he received|also|a|condemnation|of memory|by|part|of|many|historians|of the|decades|following|also|if|it goes|said|that|the|our|source|contemporary|main|Olympiodorus|him|he had|clearly|in|sympathy
The general also received a damnatio memoriae from many historians of the following decades although it should be noted that our main contemporary source, Olympiodorus, clearly had a favorable view of him.
Si è scritto molto su Stilicone: molti lo considerarono e alcuni lo considerano ancora un traditore o almeno un inetto.
it|it is|written|much|on|Stilicho|many|him|they considered|and|some|him|they consider|still|a|traitor|or|at least|a|inept
Much has been written about Stilicho: many considered him and some still consider him a traitor or at least incompetent.
Altri, di converso, lo chiamano l'ultimo Romano, cosa che mi pare ingenerosa nei confronti di Flavio Costanzo ed Ezio, solo per fare due nomi.
others|of|conversely|him|they call|the last|Roman|thing|that|to me|it seems|ungracious|in the|regards|of|Flavius|Constantius|and|Aetius|only|to|to make|two|names
Others, conversely, call him the last Roman, which seems unfair to Flavius Constantius and Aetius, just to name two.
Una cosa si può dire: il valore di un uomo può essere misurata nella dignità della sua morte e la fine coraggiosa di Stilicone dice volumi su questo grande della tarda antichità: preferì morire in silenzio che sconvolgere quello che restava dell'impero con l'ennesima guerra civile, in questo il generale semibarbaro fu superiore a tantissimi Romani de Roma, anche di tempi più felici dell'Impero.
Eén ding kan gezegd worden: de waarde van een man kan worden afgemeten aan de waardigheid van zijn dood, en Stilicho's moedige einde zegt boekdelen over deze grote man uit de late oudheid: hij stierf liever rustig dan wat er nog over was van het rijk te ontwrichten met nog een burgeroorlog, waarin de semi-Barbaarse generaal superieur was aan zoveel Romeinen van Rome, zelfs uit gelukkiger tijden in het rijk.
One thing can be said: the value of a man can be measured by the dignity of his death, and the courageous end of Stilicho speaks volumes about this great figure of late antiquity: he preferred to die in silence rather than disrupt what remained of the empire with yet another civil war; in this, the semi-barbarian general was superior to many Romans of Rome, even from happier times of the Empire.
Stilicone fu certamente un servitore capace dello stato, un politico sottile e un buon generale: ebbe i suoi limiti, in particolare nella sua smodata ambizione di ricoprire un ruolo a Costantinopoli, ambizione che lo rese a volte cieco rispetto ai rischi che correva l'impero.
Stilicho was certainly a capable servant of the state, a shrewd politician, and a good general: he had his limits, particularly in his unbridled ambition to hold a role in Constantinople, an ambition that sometimes made him blind to the risks the empire faced.
Eppure la sua flessibile politica nei confronti di Alaric e degli altri barbari mi pare fosse l'unica politica possibile nell'impero del dopo Adrianopoli: Stilicone non si illuse mai che Alaric fosse un fedele suddito dell'impero ma capì anche che i Goti di Alaric e di Radogast, utilizzati bene, potevano essere una forza costruttiva e non distruttiva per l'impero.
Yet his flexible policy towards Alaric and the other barbarians seems to me to have been the only possible policy in the empire after Adrianople: Stilicho never deluded himself that Alaric was a loyal subject of the empire, but he also understood that the Goths of Alaric and Radogast, if used well, could be a constructive and not destructive force for the empire.
In definitiva non posso addossargli del tutto le colpe di quello che successe tra il 405 e il 408: il regime di Stilicone fu investito dalla più violenta tempesta che avesse mai investito l'Impero Romano, al confronto della quale le precedenti sembrano passeggiate primaverili.
||||to blame him|||the||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ultimately, I cannot entirely blame him for what happened between 405 and 408: Stilicho's regime was hit by the most violent storm that had ever struck the Roman Empire, compared to which previous ones seem like spring strolls.
Forse nessuno sarebbe riuscito a far meglio, certamente non fecero meglio i suoi immediati successori.
perhaps|no one|he/she would be|succeeded|to|to do|better|certainly|not|they did|better|the|his|immediate|successors
Perhaps no one could have done better, certainly his immediate successors did not do better.
A Monza, nel tesoro della cattedrale, c'è un dittico che ritrae Stilicone in una posa severa, con lo scudo e la lancia tipiche del legionario tardoantico: il suo sguardo è severo ma non autoritario, profondo e compassato: di fianco c'è sua moglie Serena e suo figlio Eucherio, tutti e tre hanno fatto una triste fine.
in|Monza|in the|treasure|of the|cathedral|there is|a|diptych|that|it depicts|Stilicho|in|a|pose|serious|with|the|shield|and|the|spear|typical|of the|legionary|late antique|the|his|gaze|it is|serious|but|not|authoritarian|deep|and|measured|of|side|there is|his|wife|Serena|and|his|son|Eucherius|all|and|three|they have|made|a|sad|end
In Monza, in the treasure of the cathedral, there is a diptych depicting Stilicho in a stern pose, with the shield and spear typical of the late antique legionary: his gaze is stern but not authoritarian, deep and measured: beside him are his wife Serena and his son Eucherius, all three met a sad end.
Andateli a vedere, vale davvero la pena.
go to them||||||
Go and see them, it's really worth it.
Poco lontano, nella chiesa di Sant'Ambrogio, a Milano, c'è un curioso sarcofago Romano, spesso attribuito a Stilicone senza che ce ne sia alcuna prova: incorporato nell'ambone medioevale, questa ingarbugliata scultura, metà pagana e metà cristiana, di incerta provenienza, difficile da decifrare, di caratteristiche nobili e in definitiva con qualcosa di strano all' apparenza, ne rappresenta abbastanza bene la figura storica.
|||||||||||||||||||||||||in the pulpit||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Not far away, in the church of Sant'Ambrogio in Milan, there is a curious Roman sarcophagus, often attributed to Stilicho without any proof: incorporated into the medieval pulpit, this tangled sculpture, half pagan and half Christian, of uncertain origin, difficult to decipher, with noble characteristics and ultimately something strange in appearance, represents quite well his historical figure.
Risale certamente all'inizio del quinto secolo e non è mai stato mosso: credo sia francamente possibile che il generale sia stato seppellito nella chiesa del grande vescovo di Milano che lui aveva conosciuto personalmente.
It certainly dates back to the early fifth century and has never been moved: I honestly believe it is quite possible that the general was buried in the church of the great bishop of Milan whom he had personally known.
Ogni tanto, quando vivevo a Milano, mi piaceva passeggiare nella chiesa e avvicinarmi al sarcofago, dedicando un pensiero a Stilicho, il figlio di un semplice ufficiale di cavalleria Vandalo, un uomo che si era fatto da sé fino a diventare un imperatore senza corona.
Every now and then, when I lived in Milan, I liked to stroll in the church and approach the sarcophagus, dedicating a thought to Stilicho, the son of a simple Vandal cavalry officer, a man who made himself up to become an emperor without a crown.
Per me fu e sarà sempre un vero Romano, degno dei più grandi.
for|me|he was|and|he will be|always|a|true|Roman|worthy|of the|most|great
For me, he was and will always be a true Roman, worthy of the greatest.
Nel prossimo episodio vedremo come se la caveranno Olimpio e Onorio, il dream team ora in controllo della corte di Ravenna.
in the|next|episode|we will see|how|if|the|they will manage|Olympius|and|Honorius|the|dream|team|now|in|control|of the|court|of|Ravenna
In the next episode, we will see how Olympius and Honorius, the dream team now in control of the court of Ravenna, will manage.
Una serie di decisioni disastrose peggiorerà la situazione oltre il punto di rottura.
a|series|of|decisions|disastrous|it will worsen|the|situation|beyond|the|point|of|breaking
A series of disastrous decisions will worsen the situation beyond the breaking point.
Libero dalle inibizioni impostegli dal suo nemico-amico Stilicone, Alaric entrerà di nuovo in Italia e questa volta nessuno riuscirà a fermarlo.
free|from the|inhibitions|imposed on him|by the|his|||Stilicho|Alaric|he will enter|in|again|in|Italy|and|this|time|no one|they will succeed|to|to stop him
Free from the inhibitions imposed on him by his enemy-friend Stilicho, Alaric will enter Italy again, and this time no one will be able to stop him.
Nel giro di pochi mesi Roma, che aveva fatto del mondo una città nelle meravigliose parole di Rutilio Namaziano, subirà il primo saccheggio in 800 anni di storia.
in the|turn|of|few|months|Rome|that|it had|made|of the|world|a|city|in the|marvelous|words|of|Rutilius|Namazian|it will undergo|the|first|sack|in|years|of|history
Within a few months, Rome, which had made the world a city in the wonderful words of Rutilius Namatianus, will suffer its first sack in 800 years of history.
Il mondo non sarà mai più come prima.
the|world|not|it will be|never|more|as|before
The world will never be the same again.
Ricostruzione di come doveva apparire il sarcofago detto di Stilicone
reconstruction|of|how|it must|to appear|the|sarcophagus|said|of|Stilicho
Reconstruction of how the sarcophagus known as that of Stilicho must have appeared.
Grazie mille per la lettura!
thank you|thousand|for|the|reading
Thank you very much for reading!
Se quanto scrivo vi interessa, vi pregherei di considerare di sostenermi.
if|how much|I write|you|it interests|you|I would ask|to|to consider|to|to support me
If what I write interests you, I would kindly ask you to consider supporting me.
Informazioni nella sezione “sostenere il podcast”, altrimenti potete utilizzare il bottone “paypal” qui di fianco!
information|in the|section|to support|the|podcast|otherwise|you can|to use|the|button|PayPal|here|of|side
Information in the 'support the podcast' section, otherwise you can use the 'paypal' button next to it!
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